Functional Assessments


Functional Assessments

Providing an accurate gauge of capacity, functional Assessments evaluate an individual’s capacity to perform physical and/or psychological tasks and offer a baseline measurement of ability. 

Our qualified allied health team including Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Exercise Physiologists, and Psychologists, perform these assessments within a controlled environment e.g. consultation rooms. 

These assessments help us to understand an individual’s functional tolerances for physical and/or psychological activities following a noted health condition that has limited their performance previously.

When is a Functional Assessment needed?

  • When it is unclear as to the individual’s ability to perform certain tasks and for what durations.
  • If an individual is reporting aggravations of their condition due to task performance within their rehabilitation programs.
  • If there is a risk that an individual’s rehabilitation program may exacerbate their condition.
  • When medical professionals require a greater clarity to help guide return to work planning.

What happens after?

A comprehensive written report is provided within five business days which outlines the functional limitations of an individual.


Psychological Functional Capacity Evaluation

Assess the suitability of a worker for a role with accurate and informative testing

Physical Functional Capacity Evaluation

Understand the physical health status of workers to determine fitness for duties

Just wanted to give some Kudos to Andrea who has been a great help in supporting our NSW claims portfolio and injured team members. Always positive and upbeat with a caring approaching to injury management which aligns well to our approach – myself, the injured workers and the team really appreciate her support. We just had a catch up and she is achieving some great outcomes too.

Joshua was wonderful, made the process as painless as possible everything was incredibly straightforward. Compared to other health checks I've done he was very respectful and provided adequate feedback through the whole process. As someone with a nervous disposition his service was incredibly helpful.

Recovery Partners show dedicated support to our shared clients and in doing so build great relationships. Their ongoing communication instils confidence in their abilities to achieve shared goals. Thank you Recovery Partners!

Our agency has been working with Justin and the Recovery Partners team in Canberra for many years now. From workstation assessments, to initial needs support, to assistance with cases, nothing is too much trouble. The communication is fast, effective and professional and nothing is ever too much trouble. Recovery Partners assist us in achieving desired results and positive outcomes for our employees, and we are very grateful for that.

The team at Recovery Partners are great communicators; they get back to us quickly when we need them. Everything is smooth and seamless; they have bought our systems up to date, which makes it easier for us to manage work health and safety compliance. 

Working with Recovery Partners to assist injured employees back to work faster delivers financial benefits. Last year we received a $150,000 refund on our workers compensation premium, and this year we are anticipating a similar result.

Since engaging Recovery Partners, we have significantly reduced our number of claims, our estimate has also notably decreased, with an improved overall RTW time frame. We have also managed to establish stronger relationships with workers and stakeholders in partnership with Recovery Partners.

Their team are focussed on high quality service that deliver positive outcomes, which has built trust and have always been a great resource and source of support when dealing with complex rehabilitation matters.

Let’s start a conversation!

Our friendly support team are ready to assist you.
Call us on 1300 OHS RTW (647 789) or email

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